Merk: Nouryon
Controlled rheology polypropylene (CR-PP): High melt flow index polypropylene grades are produced by post reactor treatment. These high melt-flows are achieved by peroxide-initiated degradation during extrusion of the polypropylene. The advantage of this process is the high flexibility; the peroxide concentration controls the final viscosity. Coagent for flame retardant polystyrene: Polystyrene is made flame retardant by the use of halogen-containing additives such as hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD). Perkadox® 14S-FL can be used as a synergist in such systems thereby leading to a significant reduction in the amount of HBCD required.
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Perkadox 14S-FL
Nomer CAS:25155-25-3, 2212-81-9
Perkadox® 14S-FL bisa dipaké pikeun bagéan pasar: produksi polimér jeung crosslinking polimér jeung aplikasi béda maranéhanana / fungsi. Kanggo inpo nu leuwih lengkep mangga parios ramatloka kami jeung / atawa ngahubungan kami.
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